The members of the St. Philippine Duchesne Society are part of a very special group of individuals who have notified the Academy of the Sacred Heart that they have included the school in their estate plans, through bequests and other forms of planned gifts.
The purpose of the St. Philippine Duchesne Society is to recognize those who have made a planned gift to the Academy, as well as to inspire others to consider such gifts and to provide members with information on estate and financial planning. The Academy sincerely appreciates each planned giving donors’ commitment to a bright future for the school and of the encouragement provided by their example to support the Sacred Heart Mission through a planned gift.
The society roster is printed annual in La Galerie and, on occasion, in other school publications. Those members of the St. Philipping Duchesne Society who have given us permission will have their names included; those who wish to remain anonymous may of course do so. If your name should be included in the membership of the St. Philippine Duchesne Society or you would like information about making a planned gift to the Academy, please contact the Advancement Office.
How to Join
The following types of commitments, confirmed in writing and subject to certain restrictions, qualify you for membership in the St. Philippine Duchesne Society:
a bequest provision in your Will or revocable trust;
a life-income gift that names the Academy of the Sacred Heart as a remainder beneficiary, such as a charitable remainder trust, a charitable gift annuity, or a pooled income fund gift;
a charitable lead trust that provides income to the Academy of the Sacred Heart for a donor’s lifetime or a term of years;
a gift of assignment of qualified retirement plan assets, such as an IRA, 401(k), or 403(b);
a gift of life insurance
If you have already included the Academy of the Sacred Heart in a bequest or other planned gift, we hope that you will let us know by contacting us at Your willingness to be listed as a member of the St. Philippine Duchesne Society encourages others to follow your example. We acknowledge and respect those who wish to remain anonymous, but we urge you to let us know of your plans on a confidential bases in any case. It supports the Academy of the Sacred Heart’s planning for the future. Of course, if you have not yet included the Academy of the Sacred Heart in your plans and you would like to explore the best options for you and your family, do not hesitate to contact us. We would be glad to assist you on a confidential basis and without any obligation.
How do I include the Academy of the Sacred Heart in my Will?
A Will is perhaps the easiest and most effective means to ensure that you fully provide for your family and that your assets are distributed as you wish. Bequests both large and small have been important to the Academy since its founding, and a bequest through your Will also provides continuing support of the ongoing work of the Academy.
A gift to the Academy of the Sacred Heart through your Will has several advantages:
Charitable gifts made through your will are 100% deductible for estate tax purposes.
A charitable bequest may place your estate in a lower tax bracket.
You may specify that your bequest be used for general purposes of Sacred Heart or for a particular program or ministry.
When making a gift to Sacred Heart through your will, please consult your legal and tax advisors.
Through their philanthropic commitment and membership in the St. Philippine Duchesne Society, these generous donors are making a powerful statement about the Academy’s future. Thank you!